Day by Day cartoon

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ever loaded pictures into a jewelry locket?

If you have, I sure wish I could get some schooling on how to do it. Spousal unit bought 2 lockets for baby pictures, then assigned me the task of getting the pictures in the lockets. I picked some pictures, shrunk their size, put them on my memory stick, carried them to Kinkos for printing, then drove 2 places in town trying to find an expert that knew how to put the pictures into the lockets.

One of the lockets has tiny little heart shaped rings that pop out and I got that one loaded- wrong pictures in the locket but I got it done. The second locket is not the same as the first and I can not figure out how to install the pictures. This locket does not seem to have pop out rings to secure the picture, so I am completely stumped.

At little help? Anybody?

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